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  • Y5 Stand and Deliver

    Thu 02 Mar 2017 Miss Donnelly

    Year 5 visit Beamish this week as part of their English work based around Alfred Noyes' classic poem 'The Highwayman'.


    They took part in a workshop where they had to piece together clues to solve a highway robbery that had taken place at a nearby post room.


    Beamish is always great fun and it was a perfect opportunity for the children to really immerse themselves in the time and world the poem is set.


  • Jolly Hockey Sticks!

    Wed 01 Mar 2017 Mr Warren

    Despite it being a rather cold afternoon, it definitely didn't stop our Year 3 and 4 hockey team. They all showed great determination and team work when playing against other local primary schools.


    They battled the cold and made it through all of their matches in high spirits. Well done to all 3 teams who took part and an extra mention for team 11 who were narrowly beaten in the final, leading to a well-deserved second place. Well done guys!
