About Us
Welcome to the Year 2 page! My name is Miss Birkbeck and I am the class teacher, the Year 2 teaching team is myself, Mrs Holmes, Mrs Darling and Miss Harbertson. Mrs Crossan will be covering my planning time on a Tuesday morning. We are all extremely excited about teaching your child and helping them to have another fantastic year at school. We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you all back to another school year at Caedmon.
In year 2 we aim to provide the balance of a challenging and stimulating curriculum which enthuses the children to become creative, hardworking, independent learners. We work hard to ensure that ALL children are challenged in their lessons and children regularly have the opportunity to review their own learning. We believe that it is important for children to enjoy school and enjoy learning and this will be something we aim to achieve.
Mornings in Year 2 are very busy with Read Write Inc sessions or Reading, Literacy and Maths lessons. We aim to incorporate ICT, active and outdoor learning to enhance and enrich your child's progression throughout the year. Children are expected in school no later than 08:50am to ensure a smooth transition between registration and Read Write Inc.
Afternoons are filled non core subjects that incorporates Geography, History, Art, DT, PHSE, RE and Music. This will involve a range of cross-curricular activities which will supplement your child's learning further.
Children will take home a new reading book every Friday which is matched with their phonics knowledge. It is recommended that children do at least 15 minutes reading at home, per day to compliment the work that is taking place in school. There is an expectation that children bring their reading record and books each day to school. During this process please write any comments in the children's record where reading is taking place. This will help to monitor and check progress. If you have any queries with regards to this do not hesitate to get in touch.
PE will be taught on a Monday and a Wednesday where we will be working across a range of sports alongside developing our movement, balance and co-ordination. On days in which we have PE children are required to come to school in their PE kit.
Homework will be introduced throughout the year as we progress throughout the curriculum. At the moment our main focus will be reading. We encourage reading as much as possible in order to build the children's fluency and their love of reading.
Finally... We are all very much looking forward to teaching your child in Year 2, helping them to enjoy another fantastic year at Caedmon.