Home Page


Welcome to Caedmon Community Primary School


We are a busy, friendly school, with lots going on. This website aims to give you a taster of the school, as well as providing regular updated information for both parents and pupils.


We hope that you enjoy your visit to our website and that you find any information you are looking for. Please feel free to contact the school directly with any queries you may have.


Thank you for visiting! 

Welcome Message from the Head Teacher


On behalf of all the staff, the children, parents and governors, I would like to warmly welcome you to Caedmon Community Primary School.


Welcome to the website of our very successful primary school. If you are accessing this page, you will already have an association with our school or you are a prospective parent doing some research into selecting the right primary school for your child to attend. We realise that this decision is one of the most important you will make. I hope this website gives you a good understanding about Caedmon Primary. However, you cannot match seeing the school for yourself, so I am inviting you to contact the school office and take part in a personal tour of the school with the Head Teacher. During the tour you will experience a school with an ethos entrenched in putting children first within a warm, nurturing, safe and happy environment. We are committed to ensuring all children achieve their potential both academically and also ensuring all children develop into well rounded, thoughtful young people.


We are proud of the schools many achievements, which have been a result of hard work by a very professional team of staff, and an equally determined and enthusiastic group of children.


Successful education is centred around positive working relationships. We have outstanding relationships with parents at our school and our ethos is built around trust. We welcome parent and community involvement in every aspect of what we do. There is always a welcome at school for every parent to share in all aspects of your child's development. If this is difficult due to your working commitments the aim of the website is to keep you informed and give you a rich flavour of what goes on in our school.


Our very successful 2023 Ofsted Inspection and positive ethos has ensured that the school has grown over recent years. We have wonderful facilities including play equipment and outdoor classrooms, along with welcoming classrooms and outstanding resources in the form of a high staff to pupil ratio, equipment so staff can deliver outstanding teaching and a heavy commitment to Caedmon Primary having the latest technology in place to drive children's learning. The school facilities, community support and positive parents make Caedmon Primary a happy place for our children. However, most important of all are the children themselves who are enthusiastic and keen to learn making me very proud to be Head Teacher of Caedmon Community Primary School.


I hope that you find the website interactive and a regular place to visit to engage fully in your child's education and time at Caedmon. We have included a Google search engine on the front page. This is in the hope that as many children and parents make the Caedmon website their homepage on their computers at home.


Mr Clive Wisby

Welcome from the Children


Every year we ask the children what they like most about Caedmon Primary School. Below is the answers for year group....


"I like playing with my friends"


"I like the toys and the teachers" 


Nursery pupils



"I love coming to school. I want to stay here all day and all night because I love this building"


"I like to do my Maths and Phonics jobs because then it is choosing times" 


Reception pupils 



"I like coming to Caedmon so I can see and play with my friends" 


"I love coming to school to learn about Literacy and I like reading in school" 


Year 1 pupils



"I like it when we go on school trips at school because they are really fun and I get to be with my friends. I also love dress up days like World Book Day because I get to laugh at all the teachers funny outfits."


Year 2 pupils 



"I like how we do reading every day and I like the books we have in school."


"I like that school provides us with all the equipment we need to help us learn."


Year 5 pupils



"The teachers do anything to make children happy."


"I love being on the school council because I get to make decisions which impact and change things around school."


"I have spent most of my life at Caedmon and the staff are always so caring and welcoming"


Year 6 students



Requests for Information


If you would like a paper copy of the information on our school website, please speak to the school office who will provide this free of charge.
