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P.E is delivered in a way, which allows children to develop fundamental movement skills and become increasingly competent and confidence in a broad range of skills.  Children are able to engage in competitive and co-operative physical activities. The children at Caedmon enjoy P.E and believe it provides them with ‘different experiences’ that are beyond the classroom and enable them to get outdoors and be ‘energetic’. The children recognise that P.E can go past the physical skills and it can develop our ‘communication, team work, resilience, confidence and determination’.  As a school it is our aim to develop these skills to enable children to use them across all aspects of our school curriculum. 

At Caedmon our intent is to expose the children to a wide range of sporting opportunities, which will enable them to develop their sporting and personal skills in a variety of ways. We understand that not all children are confident in sports, which is why we focus on increasing confidence and enjoyment from a young age. We encourage children to identify their own strengths and weaknesses whilst setting themselves a personal challenge. The children in school described P.E as ‘fun and exciting’, which is crucial in the implementation of our curriculum; we ensure the children enjoy P.E.

We regularly provide the children with opportunities to engage in extra-curricular activities. This is done in breakfast club, the use of sporting equipment on the schoolyard and also after school clubs. This exhibits our aim to educate the children on different ways sports can be incorporated into our day-to-day life, and the importance it has on our development. As a school we want all children to find a sport they enjoy, which explains the extensive range of opportunities we provide.