Every child experiences high quality reading teaching through: English lessons, phonics/spelling teaching, individual 1-1 reading, whole class shared reading and reading skills lessons.
The teaching of reading varies throughout the school due to the needs of the children. In EYFS and year 1, the teaching of reading is heavily focused on decoding and follows the structure of our synthetic phonics programme RWI. From year 2 onwards, we explicitly teach reading comprehension skills lessons using ‘Reading Explorers'. These lessons will supplement the teaching of reading throughout the non-core curriculum and the text based approach to writing. We also explicitly teach vocabulary in reading lessons and across all subjects.
Parents have a role and responsibility to support their child’s reading by allocating time to read with them. Reading stories to children is a valuable activity that parents can do at home, perhaps at bedtime.We have provided more information for parents in the section below.
Each half term we invite our parents to a reading breakfast to share stories with their children in school.In addition to this we regularly share books we love, have authors and poets visit school and actively promote celebrations such as World Book Day in school to encourage a reading environment.