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Art and Design

Subject Leader: Mrs Carey            

Subject Role

The National Curriculum (2014) sees Art as a form of creativity, which inspires, engages and challenges children. A high-quality art education should provide knowledge and skills which allow children to investigate, invent and produce a range of artwork, the development of a deeper understanding of art, and the history of art and how it has shaped the world around us. 

Art at Caedmon

Art at Caedmon allows pupils to explore artists and designers work, to develop analytical skills when viewing an artist's work and to improve on practical skills and techniques as they move throughout each year group. Art is taught using a range of materials.  Art allows children to develop, practise, and improve skills and techniques, which can be used to create individual works of art. 


The intent of Art and Design within school is to ensure that all children develop practical skills that they improve upon each year, as well as a knowledge of artists and their work .The children at Caedmon describe art lessons as a way to express themselves and to explore different media.

Throughout lessons children should be exposed to technical vocabulary associated with the skills and techniques linked to a particular topic. Children state that they enjoy using different resources in art some of these being ‘charcoal, water colours, fabrics, paints and chalk’. At Caedmon we believe that children should have the opportunity to see how different artistic techniques are used within a real life context. Children at Caedmon understand the importance of art and confidently explain which careers art can be a pathway to. Children also appreciate that art can be used as a form of self-care and relaxation in today's busy world. As a school we aim to provide children with experiences and visits to develop skills and understanding within art. Similarly, our goal is to ensure children develop an understanding of how artists and art movements influence societies and in turn help create original pieces influenced by others.


Caedmon’s approach to art is through a skill-based curriculum which allows children to develop technique and practical skills through a progressive curriculum. Children are given opportunities to practise skills in drawing, printing, painting, sculpture and textiles as well as learning about a variety of artists and art movements.

Lessons are taught in alternate weeks over the course of a term. Children begin by exploring different pieces of artwork and learn about artists from different eras and backgrounds. Children reflect on what they see; they ask questions, make comments and offer their interpretations of art. Following this, they focus on applying some of the techniques they have seen and developing their skills.

Children are encouraged to reflect on their work by annotating their sketch books and are given verbal feedback throughout the lessons. They are encouraged to not erase their work so that they can build resilience, reflectiveness and see their own progress.


The impact of the approach to Art is that children develop confidence, awareness and appreciation of art through their lessons. They are challenged to work, sometimes outside of their comfort zone, and achieve. Children are enthusiastic about art lessons and often thrive when interpreting, creating and practising skills. Children take pride in their work and get a sense of satisfaction and achievement as they see theirs skills progress. 

There are often opportunities for cross-curricular art activities throughout school and children excel when applying the skills they have learned in art lessons.